Mkhize explains contact tracing system, Covid ConnectThe minister says asymptomatic patients present a problem, saying that those patients must remain in isolation for 10 days following a positive test.
He says the department has considered advice that quarantine periods could be as short as eight days, but this is still under consideration.
He says it is not necessary for people to get tested after quarantine if they are feeling better, as research has shown that the virus gets weaker.
Mkhize says the Ministerial Advisory Committee is also looking at assisting health workers when it comes to them contracting Covid-19.
The minister describes the track and trace process – where those positive with the virus and those who come into contact with people who are positive – are contacted by the health department.
He says the digital system, Covid Contact, the department is using at the moment is freely accessible via WhatsApp, but it will be available for phones which cannot support WhatsApp.
Users can get their information and advice on whether to self-isolate or their lab results.
The system also allows the user to take a screening for symptoms on WhatsApp, where the user answers questions and, based on answers, is given advice on what to do.
The system works like this: When a patient tests positive, they are informed via SMS; the patient is given more information to inform their contacts; the system then informs contacts and advises them on what to do; the system can geo-locate the nearest quarantine zone. Users can also get useful tips on the system.
Lab results get collated by Covid Connect and the results are SMSed to patients. A link in the SMS takes the patient to a web page where they can find their results and share information. The Covid Connect system also offers the patient several resources, like advice on self-monitoring and a page to declare any people they may have come into contact with.
To use this service, send a WhatsApp message to 0600 123456 for information. If you don’t have a smartphone, dial *134*832#.
Mkhize says the pandemic requires all citizens to heed the advice of the contact tracing system and to take it seriously. He says the system does not compromise people’s personal information or confidentiality.
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